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Delete DirectCLOUD configurations for GCloud

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides a step-by-step guide for deleting your DirectCLOUD configurations.

This article does not cover the deletion of the DirectCLOUD service itself. To do that, click here.


Follow these steps to delete a configuration of your DirectCLOUD service. The steps are identical for all cloud providers.

  1. Log in to our portal and click on the Services tab.
  2. Locate the service for which you want to delete the configuration. Use the filtering option on the right to narrow your search.
  3. Click on the pencil button for editing.
  4. Click again on edit.
  5. Scroll down.
  6. Delete the desired configurations by clicking Delete, and confirm.

You successfully deleted a DirectCLOUD configuration.


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Change DirectCLOUD configurations for GCloud

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