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DE-CIX Mailing Lists

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

DE-CIX has several mailing lists. Some are mandatory, meaning that at least one email address of your company is automatically subscribed to this list if you are peering at DE-CIX. Others are not mandatory but contain useful information so that we recommend subscribing to them. This article provides description for every list and decide which ones you want to subscribe to.


To subscribe to or unsubscribe from a DE-CIX mailing lists please go to our sympa mailing list server.

Please note: Each DE-CIX location has its own announce, tech, and peering contact mailing lists; e.g. for Frankfurt: ,

Content of all lists is confidential to the subscribers!Netiquette for all lists: No auto responders! If it is not possible to deactivate the autoreply, please give us a different email address we can use instead.


Announce mailing list (mandatory)

Maintenance announcements, mandatory subscription.

Subscribe here.


Tech mailing list

Discussions about technical topics and peer to peer communication like upcoming customer maintenances, both DE-CIX and DE-CIX customers are allowed to post, not mandatory.

Please note: DE-CIX blocks senders from posting to the list if they include it in emails intended for other customers.

Subscribe here.

DE-CIX Academy

Announcements of upcoming DE-CIX Academy webinars and other events.

Subscribe here.

DE-CIX monthly newsletter

Our newsletter contains interesting information about the following topics:

  •  Important technological development.
  • The DE-CIX interconnection platforms worldwide.
  • New customers, services, or employees.
  • Past and upcoming events.
  • Additional DE-CIX-related topics.

Subscribe here.

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