Table of Contents

Service Insights System

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides a guide for the new Service Insights System, with which you can analyze your traffic and view Access services statistics.

What are ingress and egress on dashboards?

The dashboards provide information about ingress and egress data. It always provides those data from a customer's point of view. For example, in the case of the flow metrics, the dashboard Flow metrics - ingress - 5 min granularity shows the data you are receiving, and the dashboard Flow metrics - egress - 5 min granularity shows the data you sent. The same is true for the Port Statistic Dashboards.

How to use the dashboards

You can view the statistics dashboards via the Insights item on the top menu of the Self-Service Portal. If you are a reseller or a DE-CIX as a Service partner you see additional options concerning your customer type.

The Insights menu offers you the possibility to choose between statistics of

  • GlobePEER (Peering - IPFix),
  • Cloud ROUTER Traffic Insights,
  • GlobePEER DDoS Traffic (Peering - IPFix), and
  • DE-CIX Service Telemetry data.

The Flow Insights dashboards allow you to choose between several options regarding ingress and egress metrics (for example, please see below).

For DDoS Analytics dashboard the metrics showing ingress traffic, and you find options regarding traffic and packet details.

If you ordered a Cloud ROUTER at DE-CIX, you get the Cloud ROUTER Traffic Insights providing you ingress IPFix Flow data for your Cloud ROUTER instances.

For DE-CIX Services Telemetry Insights options exist regarding


Please note: It only displays a Cloud ROUTER option if you ordered a Cloud ROUTER at DE-CIX.

On all dashboards, you find a filter section on the left side menu. To hide or show it, use the button marked below.

The filters in the left menu allow you to filter data as described in the "Dashboard content description"-section of this guide (see below).

Important: The filters depend on each other, so fill them out from top to bottom. Please have that in mind for the best user experience.

After selecting the desired values, please use the apply filters-button to activate your settings. If you want to reset all filters, you can do that with the clear all-button (shown below).

Metric Toolbar and cross-filtering options

Time-series metrics

Time-series metrics have several options to choose how to display the metric data.

  • A field with 3 buttons to choose the type of displaying multiple data sources in one metric (f.e. several ports in one metric).

  • None: Displays the metrics overlayed, not stacked.
  • Stack: Displays the metrics stacked.
  • Expand: Switches the metrics to percentage and displays the metrics of the data sources as a percentage of 100% (all data sources together).

  • A time zoom area bar with related buttons
    • Zoom area bar
  • Toggle the zoom area button.

After you toggle the button, you are able to zoom inside the graph as shown below:

  • Toggle restore zoom button restores the original zoom.

Dashboard content description

GlobePEER Insights

The GlobePEER Insights dashboards show metrics of IPFix (Flow)-data of customer routers exchanging data with DE-CIX platform.

GlobePEER Insights Filters

The GlobePEER dashboards offer several options to choose from:

  • A time range
  • One or multiple locations (in the case of GlobePEER Remote, where your port is visible) where data should be shown
  • One or multiple customer GlobePEER service IPs
  • One or multiple source/destination communication partners (ingress/egress)
  • One or multiple source/destination communication service IPs (ingress/egress)

GlobePEER Insights - 5m grain (max 48h), 1h grain (max 1 month), 6h grain (max 6 month)

This dashboard shows metrics in 5 min buckets* and 1h buckets** and 6h buckets*** about the number of connections and the traffic processed with peering partners.

* (maximal age of data 2 days, time range adjustable)

** (maximal age of data 1 month, time range adjustable)

*** (maximal age of data 6 month, time range adjustable)

The metrics show traffic in bits per second and packets per second.

The Average bandwidth sankey metrics shows a flow diagram with the average bandwidth between the service addresses of your top 50 peering connections. You can get the average and peak values as a table in the Peak/Average bandwidth over chosen time by connection table view.

Top 50 Peering Insights - 5m grain (max 48h), 1h grain (max 1 month), 6h grain (max 6 month)

This dashboard shows metrics in 5 min buckets*, 1h buckets** and 6h buckets*** about your top 50 peering partners in regard of traffic exchanged.

* (maximal age of data 2 days, time range adjustable)

** (maximal age of data 1 month, time range adjustable)

*** (maximal age of data 6 month, time range adjustable)

The metrics show the distribution of:

  • Peering IPs (the IPs of the customer routers connected to the DE-CIX Platform and your peering partners).
  • The origin IPs of traffic (anonymized with the last octet for IPv4 and the last two segments for IPv6).
  • Ports (only available in 5min and 1h Dashboards, dynamic port range 49152-65535 is aggregated as dynamic).
  • Autonomous System Number (ASN).

Cloud ROUTER Flow Insights

The Cloud ROUTER Flow Insights dashboards show metrics of IPFix (Flow)-data of customer Cloud ROUTERs exchanging data through DE-CIX platform.

Cloud ROUTER Flow Insights Filters

The GlobePEER dashboards offer several options to choose from:

  • A time range
  • A customer filter (in case you are reseller, in case you are no reseller it is you)
  • One or multiple locations where your Cloud ROUTER is located
  • Your Cloud ROUTER instances

This dashboard shows metrics in 5 min buckets (max age 6 month).

The traffic and packet rate metrics show traffic in bits per second and packets per second.

The Average bandwidth sankey metrics shows a flow diagram with the average bandwidth between the ASNs of your top 50 Cloud ROUTER connections. You can get the average and peak values as a table in the Average/Peak Bandwidths between ASes - Table view. ​

The piecharts at the bottom shows the source and destination IP percentage at the overall traffic.

DE-CIX Services Telemetry Insights

The dashboard shows metrics of customer ports (single or aggregated in LAGs) connected to the DE-CIX platform (maximal age of data 5 years).

Access Insights Filters

The Telemetry Insights dashboard offers several options to choose from:

  • A time range (max. 100.000 datapoints)
  • One or multiple locations (in the case of the GlobePEER Remote service, the location where your port is physically connected)
  • The datacenter where the service is located
  • One or multiple customer ports

Ports - Traffic Statistics

This dashboard shows the average bits/s, average packets/s of a 5-minute bucket of data and the utilization of the chosen Access Port.

Port - Errors Statistics

This dashboard shows error counts for your port(s):

  • Errors (Number of packet errors - sth. is wrong with the packet (TX/RX or format error)
  • Discards (Number of packet discards - misconfiguration of port, lack of bandwidth or hardware)

Port - Advanced Statistics

This dashboard shows the below listed advanced statistics for your port(s):

  • Drop events (number of all packet drop events)
  • Jabbers (number of packets that couldn't be assigned to an ethernet protocol type)
  • Symbol errors (number of packets where the optical signal is wrong or too weak and couldn't be decoded properly)
  • FCS/CRC errors (number of packets where packet checksum is wrong, possibly a result of symbol errors)
  • Oversized packets (incoming packets bigger than configured maximal MTU)
  • Undersized packets (incoming packets smaller than the minimum MTU of 512 bits)

Ports - Operational State Changes

The operational overview dashboard shows the operational state changes (up/down) of the chosen port(s).

Service Insights

Shows dashboard metrics for your services on the DE-CIX platform.

GlobePEER, DirectCLOUD, VirtualPNI Service Statistics Filters

The Telemetry Service dashboards offer several possibilities to choose from:

  • a time range (max. 50.000 datapoints = timespan ~170 days)
  • one or multiple customer Network Access Service(s) (ports)
  • one or multiple locations (in the case of the GlobePEER Remote service, the location where your port is physically connected) where data should be shown
  • the datacenter where the service is located
  • one or multiple sub-customers in case you are a reseller of DE-CIX services (all other customers only have their own customer-/company name as an option)
  • one or multiple selection of your service(s), for example, Peering Access Services (PAS) or VLAN Services (VLS).

Service Traffic Statistics

This dashboard shows the average bits/s of a 5-minute bucket of data of the chosen service.

Cloud ROUTER Traffic Statistics

The Cloud ROUTER Service dashboards offer several possibilities to choose from:

  • A time range (max. 50.000 datapoints = timespan ~170 days)
  • A metro area (The IXP where the Cloud ROUTER and its services are deployed)
  • One or multiple Cloud ROUTER(s)

  • One or multiple Cloud Service Provider and/or NAS IDs (Network Access Service)
    • one or multiple Cloud Service Provider in case of DirectCLOUD service, to which your Cloud ROUTER service is connected.
    • one or multiple of customers VirtualPNI-NAS IDs in case of VirtualPNI service
  • One or multiple Cloud onRamps and/or datacenters
    • one or multiple Cloud onRamps in case of DirectCLOUD service, to which your Cloud ROUTER service is connected.
    • one or multiple datacenter(s) in which your VirtualPNI service is connected
  • One or multiple selection of your service(s), for example VirtualPNI or DirectCLOUD

This dashboard shows

  • the average bits/s of a 5-minute bucket of data of the chosen service.
  • the average packets/s of a 5-minute bucket of data of the chosen service.
  • a point-to-point Sankey diagram to see which of your services transports the most traffic to its bgp neighbor address.


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