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How to order a GlobePEER service

Peter Hahn Updated by Peter Hahn

You can order your GlobePEER and GlobePEER Remote services through your sales representative or the DE-CIX Portal.

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to order and initially configure your GlobePEER and GlobePEER Remote services via the DE-CIX Portal.

  1. Login to our portal and click on Add Service either on the dashboard or the Services tab.
  2. Select Add GlobePEER Service or Add GlobePEER Remote Service.
    Please note: From this point on, the wizards for both services are identical.
  3. Product Selection:
    1. Provide the following information:
      • Customer: either yourself or a sub-customer
      • ASN: your Autonomous System Number
      If you want to add a new Customer or ASN, simply click on "+" and enter it here.
      • Connection: your port on which the service runs
      • Peering service location: the location where you want to peer
      • Capacity: select your desired capacity via the slider
    2. Click on Next.
  4. Technical Details:
    1. Provide the following information:
      • MAC address: The physical MAC of your port or the logical MAC of your LACP
      • VLAN ID
      • AS-Set-IPv4 and AS-Set-IPv6: Your AS-SET (AS-MACRO) and the corresponding RIR.
      If you don't have or need the names of AS-MACRO's and RIR's, please enter your Autonomous System Numbers only.
      • Select your AS-Set via the two drop-down menus
      • Bgp session password: To get a new password, click generate. To save it for the next steps, use the copy button on the right.
    2. Click on Next.
  5. Provide an external reference (chosen name for your service) and your internal purchase order. Click on Next.
    This step is not mandatory but is highly recommended, as it makes organizing and monitoring your services easier.
  6. Review your order details. Optionally provide an additional address for order confirmation.
  7. Click on Order.
    Your service is now being provisioned.
    Please note: The GlobePEER service provisioning might take up to 6 hours. Thank you for your patience.
  8. To get back to the homepage, click Next.

You successfully created your GlobePEER service. Need help? Get in touch with our customer service.

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How to start peering at DE-CIX

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