Table of Contents

Change DirectCLOUD configurations for Azure

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides guides for changing the technical specifications of your DirectCLOUD configurations via our portal.


If you already have a DirectCLOUD service connected to either an Access or a Cloud ROUTER, you can skip this section.

To change the technical specifications of a configuration (e.g., IP address or VLAN), you need to have a DirectCLOUD service in place, either connected to an Access or a Cloud ROUTER service.

Follow this guide at least up to and including step 5 a and then select your desired connection in step 5 b to order and connnect a DirectCLOUD service.


Follow these steps to change the configurations of your DirectCLOUD service, depending on wether it is connected to an Access or a Cloud ROUTER service.

The first steps are identical for both services and all cloud providers. From step 7 onwards, they diverge.

  1. Log in to our portal and click on the Services tab.
  2. Locate the service for which you want to change the configuration. Use the filtering option on the right to narrow your search.
  3. Click on the pencil button for editing.
  4. Click again on edit.
  5. Scroll down.
  6. Click on Add DirectCLOUD configuration.
    If you don't see this button immediately, it means you have already reached the maximum number of configurations.

    To change an existing configuration, you need to delete it and create a new one.

    To delete, simply click Delete and confirm. For a detailed guide on deletion, click here.

From this point on, the guides diverge depending on whether your DirectCLOUD service is connected to an Access or a Cloud ROUTER service.


Connected to Access
  1. Edit your VLAN
    1. Select your DE-CIX Access and the corresponding VLAN type.
    2. Select the path (primary or secondary) to which the configuration shall apply.
    3. Click on Submit.

You successfully requested to set up your VLAN configuration. You receive a notification as soon as the changes are implemented.


Need help? Get in touch with our customer service.

Connected to Cloud ROUTER
  1. Configure the new connection
    1. Specifying the following information:
      • Your Cloud Router
      • External Reference: The name for your configuration
      • The BGP IP of the Cloud Router with the subnet mask (we recommend using a /30)
      • The BGP IP of the Cloud Service Provider
      • BGP Password (Optional)
      • The BGP Neighbour ASN:
        • CSP ASNs
          • GCP: 16550
          • Azure: 12076
          • IBM: 13884
          • AWS: is the ASN you have configured in the portal
      • Cloud VLAN (not mandatory for every CSP)
    2. Select the path (primary or secondary) to which the configuration shall apply.
    3. Click on Submit.
      The default setting for BFD (Bidirectional forwarding detection) is "yes". We recommend not changing it, as it improves the stability of your connection.

You successfully changed a DirectCLOUD configuration with a connection to a Cloud ROUTER service.


Need help? Get in touch with our customer service.


How did we do?

Upgrade / downgrade a DirectCLOUD service for Azure

Delete DirectCLOUD configurations for Azure

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