Table of Contents

Overview and technical specifications

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides a brief overview of our Access, its interface specifications and restrictions.


To take advantage of DE-CIX’s interconnection services, start by connecting to our platform via an Access. An access is the physical port provided by DE-CIX, from which you enter our network. You have the option to connect at various DE-CIX locations worldwide:

  • at premium enabled sites where DE-CIX operates its proprietary hardware
  • at partner sites where we collaborate with partners to establish your connection

Our platform provides independent access, subject to the specific location with capacities of

  • 1GE
  • 10GE
  • 100GE
  • 400GE

Upon establishing a connection, you can then order a multitude of services as needed.

Customer Handoff & Interface Specifications


Speed & Line Rate

Typical Reach


1000baseLX, 1GE-LX

1 Gbit/s

10 km


10GbaseLR, 10GE-LR

10 Gbit/s

10 km


10GbaseER, 10GE-ER

10 Gbit/s

30-40 km


1000GbaseLR4, 100GE-LR4

100 Gbit/s

10 km


100GbaseLR, 100GE-LR

100 Gbit/s

10 km


400GbaseLR4, 400GE-LR4

400 Gbit/s

10 km


The following restricitions apply:

  • 400GE interface handoffs depending on datacenter location and availabiltiy.
  • Copper and Multimode based handoffs are not supported.
  • 10GE BiDi and 40GE Interfaces are not supported.
  • ER beyond 30 km requires link budget engineering.

SLA and Technical Description

To access the Master Service Level Agreement (SLA) for DE-CIX, click here.

To access the Techncial Access Description, click here.

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