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Monitoring Azure ExpressRoute uptime

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This guide explains how to create alert rules for monitoring the primary and secondary paths in ExpressRoute.

Please note: You have to create two alert rules, one for the primary and one for the secondary path.

To create those alert rules, follow the steps below.

To create the 2nd rule just repeat the walkthrough guide and on step 3 choose the Secondary-IPv4 Option.


  1. Go to the ExpressRoute you want to monitor and click on Metrics.
  2. Choose the ExpressRoute Standard metrics and BGP Availability.
  3. Click on Add Filter and choose Peer and Primary-IPv4.
  4. Click on New alert rule.
  5. Change the condition by clicking on it.
  6. Change the values to “less than” “95%” and ensure the frequency is acceptable.
  7. Select add action group and if you create the primary path click on +Create Action Group.
  8. Give it a name which matches.
  9. Under Notifications choose Email/SMS/Push/Voice/ and configure it like you want to have it.
  10. Skip Actions if not needed and click on Create.
  11. Insert the Alert rule name. Change the severity like you want to have it and click on Create alert rule.

You have successfully created the necessary alert rules for monitoring your Azure ExpressRoute uptime. You get the alerts via your chosen notification channel.

Don't forget the alert rule for the secondary path.


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