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Create a Cloud ROUTER

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides a step-by-step guide for ordering a Cloud ROUTER service via our portal.


  1. Select and specify Cloud ROUTER Details.
    1. Log in to the portal. Click on Add Service on the dashboard or within the Services tab. Select Add Cloud ROUTER.
    2. Provide the Cloud ROUTER Details:
      • Name
      • ASN
      • Metro Area
      • Bandwith via the slider
    3. Choose the desired contract duration.
    4. Click on Next.
  2. Complete your order.
    1. Review your order details on this page. Optionally provide an additional adress for order confirmation.
    2. Click on Order.

You successfully created your new Cloud ROUTER.


From here you can either go to the Services Overview where your new Cloud ROUTER service is now visible or click on Cloud ROUTER details to get to the detail page of your Cloud ROUTER.


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