DE-CIX GlobePEER Route Server Informational BGP Communities
by Peeringservices_Team
Continent {{RS_ASN}}:1914:<CONTINENT> |
Country {{RS_ASN}}:1913:<COUNTRY> |
Metro {{RS_ASN}}:1912:<METRO> |
Switch {{RS_ASN}}:1911:<SWITCH> |
Americas {{RS_ASN}}:1914:019 |
United States of America ๐บ๐ธ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:840 |
DFW {{RS_ASN}}:1912:8 |
edge01.dfw1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:73 |
edge02.dfw8 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:104 |
edge02.dfw10 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:197 |
edge01.dfw12 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:200 |
edge01.dfw9 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:202 |
edge02.dfw11 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:203 |
edge01.dfw4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:208 |
RIC {{RS_ASN}}:1912:22 |
edge01.ric1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:117 |
edge01.ric2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:118 |
edge01.ric3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:119 |
NYC {{RS_ASN}}:1912:4 |
edge02.nyc8 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:124 |
edge02.nyc1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:127 |
edge02.nyc17 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:170 |
edge03.nyc6 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:196 |
edge03.nyc5 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:201 |
edge01.nyc18 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:205 |
edge04.nyc3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:209 |
PHX {{RS_ASN}}:1912:24 |
edge01.phx1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:130 |
edge01.phx2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:131 |
edge01.phx3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:143 |
edge01.phx4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:178 |
BTR (DartPoints Baton Rouge) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:25 |
edge01.btr1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:136 |
SEA {{RS_ASN}}:1912:40 |
edge01.sea1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:160 |
edge01.sea2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:161 |
ORD {{RS_ASN}}:1912:14 |
edge02.ord1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:183 |
edge01.ord3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:184 |
edge02.ord6 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:198 |
edge03.ord2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:199 |
HOU {{RS_ASN}}:1912:52 |
edge01.hou1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:207 |
Mexico ๐ฒ๐ฝ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:484 |
MEX {{RS_ASN}}:1912:50 |
edge01.mex1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:192 |
edge01.mex2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:193 |
edge01.mex3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:194 |
MEX {{RS_ASN}}:1912:50 |
edge01.mex4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:195 |
Europe {{RS_ASN}}:1914:150 |
Spain ๐ช๐ธ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:724 |
MAD {{RS_ASN}}:1912:10 |
edge02.mad1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:77 |
edge02.mad3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:92 |
edge01.mad4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:103 |
BCN {{RS_ASN}}:1912:21 |
edge01.bcn1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:116 |
edge01.bcn4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:188 |
Germany ๐ฉ๐ช {{RS_ASN}}:1913:276 |
FRA {{RS_ASN}}:1912:0 |
edge02.fra12 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:82 |
edge02.fra2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:89 |
edge02.fra6 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:90 |
edge01.fra10 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:105 |
edge02.fra9 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:163 |
edge03.fra12 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:172 |
edge01.lls1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:176 |
edge01.fra5 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:179 |
edge01.fra11 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:190 |
edge01.fra19 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:1191 |
DUS {{RS_ASN}}:1912:9 |
edge02.dus1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:93 |
MUC {{RS_ASN}}:1912:1 |
edge02.muc1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:96 |
DTM (Ruhr-CIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:20 |
edge01.dtm1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:115 |
HAM {{RS_ASN}}:1912:2 |
edge03.ham1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:122 |
edge01.ham4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:4189 |
LEJ {{RS_ASN}}:1912:27 |
edge01.lej1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:141 |
edge01.lej2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:142 |
France ๐ซ๐ท {{RS_ASN}}:1913:250 |
MRS {{RS_ASN}}:1912:6 |
edge02.mrs1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:97 |
Greece ๐ฌ๐ท {{RS_ASN}}:1913:300 |
ATH (SEECIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:12 |
edge01.ath1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:101 |
Portugal ๐ต๐น {{RS_ASN}}:1913:620 |
LIS {{RS_ASN}}:1912:11 |
edge02.lis1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:138 |
edge01.lis3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:182 |
Norway ๐ณ๐ด {{RS_ASN}}:1913:578 |
OSL {{RS_ASN}}:1912:31 |
edge01.osl1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:144 |
KRS {{RS_ASN}}:1912:32 |
edge01.krs1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:145 |
Denmark ๐ฉ๐ฐ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:208 |
CPH {{RS_ASN}}:1912:33 |
edge01.cph1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:146 |
EBJ {{RS_ASN}}:1912:36 |
edge01.ebj1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:157 |
Finland ๐ซ๐ฎ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:246 |
HEL {{RS_ASN}}:1912:34 |
edge01.hel1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:147 |
Switzerland ๐จ๐ญ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:756 |
ZRH (SwissIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:28 |
edge01.zrh1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:150 |
edge01.zrh2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:151 |
edge01.zrh4 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:153 |
edge01.zrh5 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:154 |
edge01.zrh6 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:155 |
edge01.zrh7 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:156 |
Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:528 |
AMS {{RS_ASN}}:1912:42 |
edge01.ams1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:167 |
edge01.ams2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:168 |
edge01.ams3 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:169 |
Italy ๐ฎ๐น {{RS_ASN}}:1913:380 |
PMO {{RS_ASN}}:1912:5 |
edge02.pmo1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:180 |
Northern Europe (region) Norway ๐ณ๐ด Denmark ๐ฉ๐ฐ Finland ๐ซ๐ฎ Germany ๐ฉ๐ช {{RS_ASN}}:1913:35 |
SCA / |
/ | |
Asia {{RS_ASN}}:1914:142 |
United Arab Emirates ๐ฆ๐ช {{RS_ASN}}:1913:784 |
DXB (UAE-IX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:3 |
edge01.dxb1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:79 |
edge01.dxb2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:80 |
edge02.dxb2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:181 |
Malaysia ๐ฒ๐พ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:458 |
KUL {{RS_ASN}}:1912:17 |
edge01.kul1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:106 |
edge01.kul2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:107 |
JHB {{RS_ASN}}:1912:18 |
edge01.jhb1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:108 |
edge01.jhb2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:109 |
PEN {{RS_ASN}}:1912:41 |
edge01.pen1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:166 |
Brunei ๐ง๐ณ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:096 |
BWN (Borneo-IX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:19 |
edge01.bwn1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:112 |
Republic of Singapore ๐ธ๐ฌ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:702 |
SIN {{RS_ASN}}:1912:16 |
edge01.sin1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:113 |
edge01.sin2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:171 |
Tรผrkiye ๐น๐ท {{RS_ASN}}:1913:792 |
IST {{RS_ASN}}:1912:7 |
edge02.ist1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:133 |
edge01.ist5 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:139 |
edge02.ist2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:158 |
edge01.ist7 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:8187 |
Jordan ๐ฏ๐ด {{RS_ASN}}:1913:400 |
AQJ (AqabaIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:38 |
edge01.aqj1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:162 |
Iraq ๐ฎ๐ถ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:368 |
BGW (IRAQ-IXP) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:39 |
edge01.bgw1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:164 |
Japan ๐ฏ๐ต {{RS_ASN}}:1913:392 |
OSA {{RS_ASN}}:1912:45 |
edge01.osa1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:173 |
TYO {{RS_ASN}}:1912:44 |
edge01.tyo1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:174 |
Pakistan ๐ต๐ฐ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:586 |
KHI (PIE Karachi) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:47 |
edge01.khi1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:175 |
Indonesia ๐ฎ๐ฉ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:360 |
JKT {{RS_ASN}}:1912:48 |
edge01.jkt1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:185 |
edge01.jkt2 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:186 |
South-eastern Asia (region) Malaysia ๐ฒ๐พ Singapore ๐ธ๐ฌ Brunei ๐ง๐ณ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:154 |
ASE / |
/ | |
Africa {{RS_ASN}}:1914:002 |
Nigeria ๐ณ๐ฌ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:566 |
LOS (AF-CIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:29 |
edge01.los1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:148 |
DR Congo ๐จ๐ฉ {{RS_ASN}}:1913:180 |
FIH (ACIX) {{RS_ASN}}:1912:35 |
edge01.fih1 {{RS_ASN}}:1911:149 |
Unknown Continent {{RS_ASN}}:1914:65535 |
Unknown Country {{RS_ASN}}:1913:65535 |
Unknown Metro {{RS_ASN}}:1912:65535 |
Unknown Switch {{RS_ASN}}:1911:65535 |
We use BGP Communities to tag some additional information on redistributed routes.
These kind of BGP Communities will be referred to as Informational BGP Communities
belowRoute Origin
The route serversย will tag all routes to indicate their origin. You can use this information to determine where a certain route has been injected into the {{IXP_SHORT}} switching platform. This gives you the option to filter routes learned from the route servers based on geographical location.
Everyย routeย you receive from the route servers will haveย fourย (additional) BGP Communitiesย attached which indicate location information:
- Switch: e.g. {{SWITCH_CODE}} for {{SWITCH}} (see table below for more information)
- Metro: e.g. {{METRO_CODE}} for {{CITY}} (see table below for more information)
- Country: e.g. {{COUNTRY_CODE}} for {{COUNTRY}} (UN M49 format)
- Continent: e.g. {{CONTINENT_CODE}} for {{CONTINENT}} (UN M49 format)
is the corresponding route server ASN at a given IXP.Route Origin Overview
, meaning "unknown".Example
A route has the following BGP Communities attached:
From these BGP Communities you can deduce that this route has been injected at {{EXAMPLE_IXP}} (ASNย 400330) in Americas (400330:1914:{{EXAMPLE_CONTINENT_CODE}}
) in metro region {{EXAMPLE_CITY}} (400330:1912:{{EXAMPLE_METRO_CODE}}
) at {{EXAMPLE_SWITCH}} (400330:1911:{{EXAMPLE_SWITCH_CODE}}