Table of Contents

About our portal for new customers

Joseph Thorwest Updated by Joseph Thorwest

This article provides some general information regarding the portal and its' accounts at DE-CIX and explains how to create your own account.

The login window explained

When you access our portal, the following login window appears:

The portal is for DE-CIX customers only.

Log in to the DE-CIX portal using your username and password.

If you have forgotten your username or password, use the corresponding function of the login window. For detailed instructions, click here.

Create a new account

There is no way to create your own account independently.

To create a new account and gain access to our portal, you need to contact us directly. Our customer service guides you through every step of the process.

Account structure

To access the new DE-CIX portal, you need an account with a username and a password. An account can have several access levels and flags.

As usernames, you can use your or use firstname.lastname.

Please note: All accounts should be personal accounts. We strongly discourage group accounts shared by multiple users. Usernames are case sensitive!

For a detailed overview the different user account roles and their persmissions, click here.

Customer Administrator

Our customer service team creates this type of account as part of the onboarding process for new customers. Each customer must have at least one customer administrator. Multiple accounts with customer administrator rights are possible.

A customer administrator can, in addition to the normal customer rights for users of the same customer:

  • add, edit or delete user accounts.
  • grant privileges to user accounts.

Service visibility in the portal

Currently, only a selection of our services is visible and available for ordering through our portal. Below, you find an overview of the orderability and visibility of our services through the portal.

For orderable services, you can find detailed information and instructions in this Knowledge Base.

For ordering a service that is not orderable through our portal, please contact your sales representative directly at:


Orderable through the portal

Ordered service visible under "Services"




GlobePEER Remote

Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS)

VirtualPNI between two Accesses

VirtualPNI between Cloud ROUTER and Access


DirectCLOUD for Azure, AWS, IBM, GCloud

DirectCLOUD for Oracle





✅ (Only applies to colocation customers)

To get an overview of the permissions for the available services, click here.


For details on non-orderable services, please visit our DE-CIX Website or use the links below:

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